
The heatsink is a component that helps regulate the temperatures in and around the central processing unit (CPU) on the motherboard. These parts sometimes fail over time and can cause the temperatures to be higher than normal, so it is a good idea to replace them as they age. Excessive amounts of heat can be potentially damaging to various internal components.

Be sure to clean the contact surfaces on both the heatsink and CPU with isopropyl alcohol during replacement and reapply thermal paste during reinstallation. Sometimes reapplying the thermal paste is all that’s necessary to reattain good heat transfer and restore the condition of your device.

    • Remove ten 8 mm Phillips #1 screws from the bottom of the Chromebook using a Phillips #1 screwdriver.

    • Two of the screws are hidden by rubber caps along the rubber rest of the device. Use tweezers to get them out.

  2. qahnXB3gcCkNEWFB
    • Place the plastic opening tool into the edges between the front of the Chromebook and the back of it with the upper scoop of the opening tool facing upward.

    • Push down on the plastic opening tool to unhinge the top portion of the Chromebook from its lower portion. Opening the Chromebook all the way where the display touches the ground helps in opening up the top edge.

    • Use your hand to gently lift the top portion of the Chromebook from the bottom portion of it to avoid damaging the ribbon cables.

  3. 4ylwfCnLN2HDHLLf
    • Gently disconnect the ribbon cable connecting the trackpad to the motherboard.

    • Gently disconnect the ribbon cable connecting the keyboard to the motherboard.

  4. Ne5LMvmLA2BbggUn
    • Remove the black and white wires from the wireless card.

  5. x46xbXSIcPVCS2ZH
    • Unscrew the single 4 mm Phillips #1 screw pinning the wireless card in place.

  6. YkacEDUgNb2KAcYe
    • Gently pull the wireless card away from the motherboard.

    • Pull the latch out on both the Input/Output board as well as the motherboard.

    • Gently remove the ribbon cable connecting the I/O board to the motherboard.

    I was able to remove the IO board at this stage, without removing the battery.

    Nick Huggett -

  8. JOIf15tAvrBEBLLA
    • Remove two 4 mm Phillips #1 screws from the metal grate connected to the battery.

    • Remove metal grate from battery.

    • Remove six 4 mm Phillips #1 screws from the battery

  9. eDHe5bPBdEhWnLrX
    • Disconnect the battery from the motherboard.

    • Lift battery from the bottom portion of the Chromebook.

  10. fxvbkPnf53ZDuMSM
    • Remove the battery from the Chromebook.

  11. uCGWNLwnYOjYIMXg
    • Unscrew one 3 mm Phillips #1 screw.

    • Unscrew one 2.5 mm Phillips #1 screw.

    • Unscrew four 4 mm Phillips #1 screws.

  12. OpRHQN1FVotcAnWo
    • Disconnect the wires that connect the motherboard to the speakers.

    • Disconnect the motherboard from the display.

  13. LExBNPcNjluBqdgh
    • Lift the motherboard up and out of the chassis.

  14. UqXLQ3McRXBLuArl
    • After removing the motherboard, flip it, right hand over left, to reveal the heatsink.

    • When the motherboard is laying on the table, the wireless card slot should be on the top left corner of the motherboard.

    • On the right should be the various USB and plug in ports.

    • The heatsink is easily identifiable by the copper band that stretches across the back of the motherboard.

    • Using a Phillips #0 Screwdriver take out the four screws holding in the heatsink.

  15. POhuB1UAO2YnUQaA
    • Remove the heatsink.

    • Boom. Now the heatsink is separated from the motherboard and it can easily be replaced with a new one.

    • Warning: thermal module not for consumption.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Jason Beal

Mitglied seit: 03/10/19

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