This guide will help one identify, clean, and/or repair the issue that causes unresponsive/sticky buttons.
Disassemble the device. See the disassembly guide for further directions. Slide the internal circuit board out of the protective device shell.
Use the metal spudger to remove the device's center toggle button.
Inspect and clean device buttons with appropriate materials.
Wipe down the circuit board and the buttons with a disposable wipe. Then, use a cotton swab to remove dirt and grime in the crevices of the device.
Inspect the shell of the device before placing the button pad and center toggle back into the device.
Look for cracks in the device's shell and identify whether the device shell is obstructing the button connection.
Clean the shell thoroughly using a cotton swab into the creases of the the device shell. Use a water dampened cloth to wipe down the device shell inside and out.
The center toggle (circled in red) button snaps into place. Be sure the center button is placed in correctly.
After the device is assembled, power the device on. The issue with the unresposnive/sticky buttons should be repaired.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.