
Diese Anleitung zeigt, wie der Akku in der Fitbit Alta ausgetauscht werden kann. Wenn du deine Fitbit längere Zeit liegen lässt,sie nicht korrekt auflädtst, oder sie einfach schon alt ist, dann kann der Akku am Ende sein. In diesem Fall kann es sein, dass sich das Gerät nicht einschaltet oder lange an bleibt, wenn es vom Netzgerät genommen worden ist.

Bei dieser Reparatur werden innere Bauteile der Fitbit freigelegt, der Akku abgelötet und entfernt und dann ein neuer Akku angelötet.

Achtung: Wenn die Lötarbeiten nicht richtig durchgeführt werden, funktioniert die Fitbit nicht mehr. Schließe die Drähte nicht an den falschen Lötstellen an und bringe nicht zu viel Hitze auf die Platine.

Du brauchst einen Torx T2 Schraubendreher, eine Pinzette, eine Rasierklinge, einen Lötkolben und Lötzinn.

    • Drücke die Pinzette in eine der Ecken zwischen dem Metallgehäuse und dem Display hinein. Zwänge die beiden Teile mit der Pinzette auseinander. Wiederhole das Ganze an allen vier Ecken.

    • Für diesen Schritt brauchst du ziemlich viel Kraft. Es hilft vielleicht, wenn du mit einer Klinge zwischen Display und Metallgehäuse entlangfährst.

    • Wenn das Display ab ist, sollte es wie im dritten Bild aussehen.

    Io per togliere lo schermo ho usato la punta del taglierino facendo attenzione a non scalfirlo, seguendo con la lama tutt’intorno perché la cornice sotto è incollata.

    Claudia Spatafora -

    • Das Displayist zum Teil an der Platine festgeklebt, schiebe deswegen die Pinzette behutsam unter dem Display entlang, um es abzulösen, hebe es dann hoch.

    • Das Display besteht aus dünnem Glas, arbeite also sehr vorsichtig.

    • Nach diesem Schritt ist das Display immer noch an der Platine mit einem kleinen schwarzen Scharnier befestigt. Dieses Teil darf NICHT entfernt/abgeschnitten werden.

  3. aNXnCqtpYHttNRRw
    • Wenn das Display hochgeklappt ist, wird die Platine sichtbar.

    • Entferne die Torx T2 Schraube in der Mitte der Platine.

  4. ghcdRQU1N3gYU4xs
    • Die Platine wird noch von zwei kleinen Haken festgehalten. Lasse das Display nach links aufgeklappt, drücke dann die Platine behutsam nach unten und schiebe sie nach rechts. Wenn sie frei von den Haken ist, dann hebe sie hoch.

    • Die Platine ist immer noch mit einigen Kabeln am Gehäuse angeschlossen, du darfst sie deswegen nicht ganz herausholen.

  5. O5XpIGwmioKUTyHP
    • Wenn die Platine hochgehoben ist, kannst du den Akku (unten links) vom Gehäuse ablösen. Beachte, dass der durchsichtige gelbe Abschnitt zum Akku gehört.

    • Der Akku ist am Gehäuse festgeklebt, du musst ihn also ähnlich wie das Display in Schritt 2 herausheben.

    • Wenn der Akku entfernt ist, dann hebe die Platine und die daran angeschlossenen Bauteile aus dem Gehäuse heraus.

  6. bgiliGasWn4Pb6tr
    • Die Akkuanschlüsse musst du mit einem Lötkolben vom Akku abtrennen.

    • Hier findest du eine Löt- und Entlötanleitung

    • Schneide die Kabel am neuen Akku auf die richtige Länge zu und entferne die Isolation an den Kabelenden.

    • Löte den neuen Akku an der Platine fest.

    • Achte darauf, dass du die richtigen Kabel an die richtigen Lötstellen anschließt, sonst wird dein Gerät nicht funktionieren.

    If after replacing the battery the Fitbit still doesn’t work (except when connected to the charging cable) check the supply fuse (markedF1) just below the red square in the above picture next to to the red battery lead pcb connection. The fuse may have blown when your old battery went short circuit.

    I temporarily jumpered it out after replacing the battery and the Fitbit now works :-)

    Unfortunately I have no information as to the current rating of this fuse?

    If you know please add this info for me and others to benefit :-)

    dave.bullock -

    You don’t need to add more solder. Just break the old connections right at the solder joint and melt the solder slightly. Then slide the new wire into the melted solder and let it harden. Voila!!

    Eric Anderson -

    I replaced the battery on my Alta, only to discover it would only work while plugged in, but not when unplugged. My Alta worked fine before the new battery, but would only last a day or two days. I read Dave Bullock’s comment above. I had nothing else to lose with my tiny paper weight, so i placed a tiny drop of solder across F1 (the same side as the battery terminals). Nothing came to life right away. I put it all back together, plugged it in, unplugged and and Bingo! It worked!…. Thank you DAVE! I agree shorting fuses is not the best practice… but I figure this is 4.25 volts device and I am now enjoying the device again. I would replace the fuse if I could … but this thing in TINY.

    I really tried hard to not touch the battery wires to the board or case. I felt I succeeded, but with a blown fuse… I must have failed. Be careful to not let those wires touch anything.

    Darren Platt -

    • Wiederhole die Schritte 3 - 5 in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.

    • Möglicherweise hat sich dein Display von selbst befestigt, so dass du Schritt 3 (Platine einbauen) nicht durchführen kannst. In diesem Fall musst du zuerst nochmals Schritt 2 durchführen, dann Schritt 3.

    • Du musst die Platine beim Festschrauben etwas nach unten drücken, damit sie einen guten Kontakt erhält.

    • Um das Display wieder zu befestigen, musst dues erst am Metallrand ausrichten und dann vorsichtig festdrücken. Enferne alle Spuren von Staub oder Fingerabdrücke vom Display mit einem Tuch, bevor du weiterarbeitest.

  8. QjR4brB5wJTSq4vM
    • Setze die Displayabdeckung wieder ein, wobei du darauf achten musst, dass der Goldkontakt der Abdeckung genau den entsprechenden Kontakt in der oberen rechten Ecke der Platine trifft.

    • Bei diesem Schritt ist etwas Kraft erforderlich, benutze also beide Hände, damit du deine Kraft gleichmäßig über dem Display dosieren kannst, du riskierst sonst, dass es bricht.

  9. PTUBkxaDJZ1tYt4O
    • Schließe deine Fitbit am Ladegerät an, um den neuen Akku aufzuladen.

    Quelle pile avez vous utilisé ?

    cfauchon -

    FANTASTICO! ho acquistato la batteria su ebay e il Kit completo con il micro saldatore + multimetro Digitale il tutto a pochissimi euro! e son riuscita DA SOLA ad aggiustare il mio Fitbit! MERITO DI BENJAMIN E DEI SUOI COLLABORATORI :)))) complimenti per le precisissime spiegazioni.

    ps: sono anche fiera di me! GRAZIE MILLE per avermi dato questa gioia e soddisfazione…sperando che la batteria duri un bel po eh eh!

    Claudia Spatafora -


Jetzt sollte die Fitbit wieder länger funktionieren.

Benjamin Hufendick

Mitglied seit: 18/09/19

701 Reputation

14 Kommentare

How about screen replacement? Is there a replacement part for that?

Tom Hernandez -

Hi, Tom.

I haven’t seen anything about replacement screens online. To the best of my knowledge, Fitbit doesn’t offer replacement parts for any of their devices.

Emily Parcell -

My Fitbit Alta HR has no center screw. The battery connects from the end of the mother board and there are two very small screws on the other end. It is virtually impossible to solder the new battery in without shorting to the two hold down clamps. Virtually Junk…

Keith -

Maybe try getting a few really small pieces of electrical tape to cover the clamps?

Benjamin Hufendick -


Your Fitbit may be an Alta HR, rather than an Alta. I have the same situation you do. The PCB in the HR is different, and in the center has a very small flat-flex cable to the HR sensor below. If you are very careful, you can fold back a small piece of tape holding the flex flex in place (look closely, it is very hard to see), and then you can gently disconnect the HR sensor. The connector lifts straight up, perpendicular to the surface of the PCB. After you have disconnected, you can remove the two screws and slide out the screen, PCB, and battery assembly as a single unit. The HR sensor will remain behind in the case. I would recommend using a plastic tweezers for this process rather than metal, as if the PCB is powered you could damage it in the process.

I took some photos, but I don’t believe I can post them here.

jmmull -


Thank you for describing the differences between Alta vs Alta HR. The main guide was helpful with pictures. I was able to spot the differences with your detailed description. I successfully completed the battery swap for Alta HR. I found a heat gun very handy for removing the screen cover and prying the LCD screen. Note that the solder points for the battery are next to the hooks on the frame where you hook the PCB into for installation.

ganbare6 -

Thank you so much for this excellent guide! All went perfectly!

Daniel D -

A bit more tedious than expected, smallest device I have ever worked on, but the toolkit I purchased from Amazon was perfect. Instructions were 95% accurate as it pertained to the inner workings, mine had two screws at the end of the motherboard holding it in, instead of a single one in the middle. But the written instructions were clear enough to help me adjust. Great Job!

John -

Amazon says the battery is only compatible with the Alta not the HR. My HR battery says 46 mAh and the battery on Amazon is 36 mAh. Has anyone actually used the Alta 36 mAh in the HR?


David Kroc -

hi guys i accidentally disconnected the little ribbon cable connected to the screen

i tried to re-connect it but i failed

can you please give me some tips on how to re-connect it correctly?



This may be late, but hopefully useful for others. The connector is the ZIF type where the black bar on the socket needs to be flipped up (use a 2mm flathead screwdriver or similar tool to flip it). There was also a small foam pad and black tape on the ribbon cable itself, I had to remove this from the cable because it was interfering with reinsertion. Be careful when removing the tape not to tear the ribbon. Once removed, the adhesive was not reusable for me, but seems to function fine without it. With the socket opened, you can get the cable lined up and just barely put in holding the device in one hand, and the screen in the other. To get it firmly seated, I flipped the screen over the circuit board like it would normally go which created the normal “bend” in the cable. I then used closed tweezers to gently push the bend toward the circuit board to effectively push the connector all the way in. I’ve used this method about 4 times already, and it works every time.

Russel Kubes -

I replaced the battery on my Alta, only to discover it would only work while plugged in, but not when unplugged. My Alta worked fine before the new battery, but would only last a day or two days. I read Dave Bullock’s comment above. I had nothing else to lose with my tiny paper weight, so i placed a tiny drop of solder across F1 (the same side as the battery terminals). Nothing came to life right away. I put it all back together, plugged it in, unplugged and and Bingo! It worked!…. Thank you DAVE! I agree shorting fuses is not the best practice… but I figure this is 4.25 volts device and I am now enjoying the device again. I would replace the fuse if I could … but this thing is TINY.

I really tried hard to not touch the battery wires to the board or case. I felt I succeeded, but with a blown fuse… I must have failed. Be careful to not let those wires touch anything.

Darren Platt -

my fitbit alta is not working properly after unplug timing is not display in screen

what can i do pls help me… sukhpreetwithsevenseas@gmail.com Kindly revert me in this email id

seven seas -

For Alta HR owners:

Hi, i’ve successfully repaired my Alta HR with this tutorial, even if it is actually intended for a normal Fitbit Alta.

The procedure is the same excepted the order of the steps 3 to 6.

At step 3, before unscrewing the 2x torx 2 screws, (Alta HR has 2 screws instead of one) let them in place.

1/ Unsold the 2 contacts with the red and black wire.

Otherwise you gonna get blocked for pulling the battery out because of the sensor ribbon connected in the middle of the MB.

2/ Unscrew the torx screws

3/ Replace the battery (only 7€ for me in 2021)

4/ Screw the two screws back to the MB.

5/ Resold the contacts and the wires: black on -, red on + (basically step 6)

Follow step 7.

IMO it’s easier to do it this way for the Alta HR because of this new ribbon. But the whole procedure is basically the same.

Tangogow -