
Hast du Probleme mit dem Akku? Lädt er nicht mehr. Hält er nicht mehr lange durch? Diese Anleitung zeigt dir Schritt für Schritt wie du ihn austauschen kannst.

Achtung: du musst dabei löten, unsere

Lötanleitung zeigt dir, wie das geht.

  1. TcFivjJRtZI3lB1u
    • Finde die Frontanzeige an deinem Gerät.

    • Das Fitbit Logo sollte unten mittig am Bildschirm zu sehen sein.

  2. XEpOUfQpIOIW4xjV
    • Drücke den Bildschirm zur Rückseite des Metallrahmens heraus.

    • Drücke nicht zu stark auf den Bildschirm, damit er nicht beschädigt wird. Fange ihn mit der anderen Hand auf.

  3. fq3EGDncH2CKIkGk
    • Finde den Metallstift am Armband am Rand des Metallrahmens.

    • Setze das spitze Ende eines Metallspatels in die Aufnahme des Metallstifts. Drücke den Stift in Richtung der blauen rechteckigen Umfassung.

    • Drücke nicht zu stark, damit der Stift nicht beschädigt wird.

    • Entferne das Armband.

    This step is not needed to change the battery . Not sure why it was included.

    Jason Y -

  4. YhFEOiMhLh42ErNF
    • Lege das Gerät mit dem Bildschirm nach unten und finde die vier Schrauben, welche den Rückdeckel befestigen.

    • Drehe die vier Torx T3 Schrauben heraus.

    I found it helpful to take photos each step of the way to make sure I didn’t put things back together wrong.

    Put the screws from the cover and from the circuit board in separate containers since they are different sizes. They are also very easy to lose if not


    George Pagliarulo -

    The screws on my fitbit blaze were T2 torx.

    Brian Amos -

    These screws on my FitBit Blaze wereT2 torx as well.

    John Nixon -

  5. s3PhjMpkWnBALCmJ
    • Fasse den Rückdeckel an und öffne ihn wie ein Buch. Die Hauptplatine wird sichtbar. Finde den Stecker am Flachbandkabel links.

    • Setze ein Plastiköffnungswerkzeug am Flachbandkabel ein, welches den Herzschlagsensor mit der Hauptplatine verbindet.

    • Hebe das Werkzeug an um den Stecker am Flachbandkabel zu lösen.

    • Um Schäden zu vermeiden, darfst du dabei nur wenig Kraft anwenden.

    the ribbon is held down in its connector by a small ‘clamp’ that can be ‘flipped up’ to release the cable. In this photo, that is the white part that the spudger is lifting. I did not understand that from the given description. Also, in my Fitbit, the colors of those pieces were reversed - the ribbon ‘entered’ the connector via a white piece, and the black piece was the hold-down clamp that must be flipped up to release the cable.

    jjinatlanta -

    Lift the white (or black) clamp securing the cable by lifting on the side opposite the cable. When re-assembling the cable, remember that the locking clamp folds away from the ribbon not towards it. These are very fragile and easy to break if not careful.

    George Pagliarulo -

    Be careful when opening the case and go slowely. Depending on how you have the fitbit oriented, the ribbon may be on the side you are opening.

    Josh Leverett -

    Faut soulever le clapet blanc avec le spudger, à 90 degrés vers le haut ce qui libère déclipse la nappe en tirant latéralement pour la retirer.

    You have to lift the white clamps with the spudger, 90 degrees upwards which releases the flat cable by pulling sideways to remove it.

    Marc Dahan -

    I could. not open the case with the iFixit “opening” tool. However, I was able to use a safety razor blade wedged between the two case pieces to pry the two cases apart.

    John Nixon -

  6. Y2X1t6V1CyipEyvg
    • Trenne den Rückdeckel ab und lege ihn zur Seite. Finde die drei Schrauben, welche die Hauptplatine befestigen.

    • Drehe die drei Kreuzschlitzschrauben #000 heraus.

    Note that these screws are each different. In the photo, the lower right screw is shorter, The upper left has a larger head than the one on the lower left. If you swap them the head is not big enough to hold the circuit board down.

    George Pagliarulo -

    Regarding first photo: I had to use #00 for the upper left screw (the one with larger head) and #0 for the other two screws.

    Note that there is a latch next to the screw at the bottom left, this is important when re-assembling.

    Ingo Maier -

    • Setze ein Plastiköffnungswerkzeug am Flachbandkabel auf der Hauptplatine ein.

    • Hebe das Werkzeug an, um den Stecker zu lösen.

    • Um Schäden zu vermeiden, darfst du dabei nur wenig Kraft anwenden.

  8. PfRkfXJIjAFnkp4Z
    • Hebe die Hauptplatine an und schiebe sie zur Seite. Der 167 mAh-Akku wird sichtbar.

    • Hebele den Akku mit einem Spudger aus der Klebeverbindung darunter.

    • Um den Akku zu lösen, musst du ihn hochheben und herunterziehen. Drücke am Oberteil des Akkus nach unten um sie herauszuhebeln.

    Excellent walk through and although tricky, it is manageable. Thanks. I needed to remove a foil sleeve from a 200mah battery of very similar dimensions and it was able to fit safely and be re-assembled to work, with a stranger battery.

    Ian McCluskey -

    With the Blaze model, in addition to the main battery wires, there are a pair of fine wires near the lower RH corner in these photos. This raises 2 problems: you have restricted access to the battery for prising out because you can’t swing the motherboard away, and the fine wires are prone to breaking with movement of the components. Replacing a broken wire isn’t easy when you have to swing the motherboard back into position without fatiguing the soldered joint(s).

    Paul Lloyd -

    Take your time and this procedure (and replacement battery) are a breeze. I did find that the vibration motor (metal disc) was also held in place with adhesive (similar to the battery itself) and needed to be gently separated from the watch body in order to fold the motherboard away as shown.

    A workbench magnifier is essential for the solder work. I used a mount made for smartphones called the “All Radius Mount” that let me use my phone for this purpose.

    Kudos to iFixit for supplying the correct battery to bring these pricey little devices back to life! Will be ordering 2 more for family members that have the exact same problem with their FitBit Blaze watches. :)

    Daniel Smith -

    I found it easier to desolder the two small wires from the circuit board and compltely remove it rather than swinging the board out of the way. You just need to make sure that they are not caught under the replaced battery or they won’t be long enough to reach the solder pads to resolder them.

    When removing the battery I found it easier to pry the battery up from the ends rather than the sides. It is stuck down pretty well.

    George Pagliarulo -

    I needed fine pliers to remove the battery ? harshly glued to fo the job

    Marc Dahan -

    I needed also to prise loose the vibrating motor from its base, before being able to flip the motherboard. That is connected with the 2 short red and black wires to the motherboard, visible on the right in the first photo. Otherwise an excellent guide with useful user comments as well, thanks!

    Steve Snow -

  9. RljT3aIjLrJCBD2h
    • Drehe die Hauptplatine mit der Rückseite zu dir und finde die Lötstellen, mit denen der Akku angeschlossen ist.

    • Entlöte die Drähte, damit du den Akku entfernen kannst. Wenn nötig kannst du auch den Akkuanschluss ablöten.

    • Unsere Lötanleitung hilft dir dabei.

    • Zu starke Hitze kann Bauteile beschädigen. Bleibe deswegen mit dem Lötkolben nicht zu lange an einer Stelle.

    Where do we get that battery?

    amir ibrahim -

    Step 8 for my FitBit Blaze the round thing at the bottom right (to the right of the notch) is glued to the base and needs to be pried loose before you can move the board to the side.

    Other than that the steps are good. Also to unsolder the battery connections I used 375ºF and put some solder with flux on the tip first before unsoldering, seems to make unsoldering easier.

    When I first reassembled I did not insert the cable for the heart monitor in far enough, took off the back and re inserted and all is well now.

    I find that my Blaze drops from 100% to 75% in the first 2 hours; however then it ends up at 50-55% at the end of the day, I charge it overnight and use a Charge HR to sleep.

    Chris Bonney -

    Der neue Akku ist 3-4 mm zu groß. Was nun?

    uwe.doehler -

    Wenn er von iFixit ist - dort anfragen. Ansonsten zurück geben und/oder umtauschen. Verbiegen oder verformen geht garnicht.

    VauWeh -

    The temperature to desolder the battery cables was quite high, so I was careful and put a little pressure on the cables to ensure they released as soon as the solder softened. I used some fluxed solder to attach the new battery and this melted very quickly enabling the battery to be attached. This all worked and everything worked when I put it back together, so I was pleased with myself!

    Battery seems to last around 3 days now with HR monitor on. I got a 165mAh battery from eBay in UK for about £10.

    sammyplayz -

    As sammyplayz told it cost long time to desolder the original battery that came with Blaze. Around 4-5 minutes at 300º Celsius. Motherboard came hot.

    I purchased the Battery in Aliexpress (search for 3.7V 200mAh Li ion Polymer fitbit blaze) for only 4 Bucks. It was a worth to prove to change and break the Fitbit as the original battery lasted only 1 day. I fully charged the battery and two days later it remains 55%, so I expect to charge the Blaze every 4-5 days, what it was the original endurance.

    The B side of the battery I purchased it’s that is some way a little fatty than the original, so be prepared to force it a bit to enter, but it seats.

    I lasted around 1 and half hour to change the battery, cause miniaturization of the watch.

    Miguel A -

    I had to snip the red and black battery leads near the motherboard in order to get enough room to work with the battery. I left about 1/4” of the wires attached to the motherboard in order to facilitate unsoldering and removing them. The leads to the replacement battery were plenty long to get soldered on the board. There was another single red wire that I left connected during all of this.

    John Nixon -

    I just replaced the battery in mine. Soldering was the hardest part but only because the whole circuit board acts like a giant heat-sink, which made it almost impossible to properly de-solder. I couldn't get my iron's temp dialed in right and was running out of time/impatient. I cut the battery wires as close to the PCB as possible to get the battery out of the way and free up a hand for temp adjustment. In my case it seemed like I was going to burn the PCB before the solder mounds could flow. I de-soldered what little I could and simply tacked the new battery leads onto the existing mounds. Once both were in place I adjusted the heat and re-touched each mound with a little more solder, until it looked like a good joint but it's definitely not perfect. Some of the charging terminals on mine had holes which caused charging to fail, so I added some solder. So far so good, seems like it's almost done recharging.

    MastarPete -


Um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzusetzen, folge den Schritten in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.

Adrian Borrego

Mitglied seit: 20/02/17

2194 Reputation

55 Kommentare

Where can I buy this battery?

Please contact fred@doble.com.br

Frederico Araujo -

no answer for:

Where can I buy this battery?

Pierre Therien -

Looking for this battery as well; mine lasted exactly 1 year. 7 days now down to hours, the surge did the same thing, maybe my last Fitbit watch ever! Disappointed to say the least.

Darrell Way -

I found a battery, 3.7 volt at 165mAh in the same style, should be close enough but I do not have the size of the factory battery, if anyone has taken theirs apart, can you post up the measurements in mm? thanks

Darrell Way -

I can't find the battery anywhere either. Would love some advice. Tried Amazon, AliExpress, eBay and Google in general.

Chris Wilson -

Where can i buy this akku?

Please answer tsongezz@vipmail.hu Thanks!

Csongor Gy. -

I'm looking for the replacement battery? Where can I buy a new 1? Please help?

unathi jelashe -

Where can we find a reliable replacement battery which won’t explode?

Warlock -

I have just replaced the battery on my wifes blaze :) :) :) It was extremely difficult and I had to literally squeeze the new one in, it was tight. I replaced the 167mAH with a 200mAH one so its an upgrade and it was the closest I could get. I got it from eBay. Winner! One happy wife.

3.7V 200mAh Lipo Polymer Rechargeable Battery 402030

Richard Langton -

Is replacement battery with 200mAh is suitable & safe? Is there is any over current issue?

Mohd Harris Jamil -

Richard, Is this the one you used?   https://www.ebay.com/itm/251383404458?ul...

hopeforahit -

My fitbit is showing signs of a failing battery also.  Richard, can you post a pic of the OLD battery you removed?  Is there any markings on the OLD battery to indicate part number?  I see the Amazon one you used.  It does appear that ALiBaba has a LOT of these type batteries, but one needs to know size or part number :(  https://www.alibaba.com/showroom/3.7v-16...  and https://www.alibaba.com/trade/search?fsb...

hopeforahit -

Also looks like might be able to find one at Mouser if you have the size?  One more request Richard…  Can you measure the OLD battery in mm?

Thanks…  https://www.mouser.com/Power/Batteries/B...

hopeforahit -

Here is the Amazon link for the battery that Richard got:  https://www.amazon.com/Ofeely-Lithium-Po...

hopeforahit -

On step 5, the yellow part of the connector flips up. You have to look at the 3rd picture closely. I bought a 402030 battery, and it is too thick for the 3 plug-in connectors to go back.

The battery markings on the back read “LSSP321830AE” and measures 3.2mm thick, 18mm wide and 30mm long.

I have not been able to find this battery yet.

stevenjkonsky -


Where can I buy a replacement battery for my Fitbit blaze please lobavic98@gmail.com

Vic Loba -


Where can I buy a battery for my fitbit blaze

Vic Loba -

I found a battery that will work ++GM382030++ from https://www.powerstream.com/li-pol.htm I pulled the PCB from the blaze battery and used it on the new cell.

The battery fits in the blaze, its a tight fit but it fits. Battery height was 3.8mm.

Jeffrey Culver Jr -

Here’s a link to find that battery, amazon has a good offering for a good price if you have Prime with 4-5 day shipping.

Google Search:


Amazon Link:


Turtl Johnson -

What is battery dimensions please... Lollachlan1992@gmail.com... Or just reply on this..

lachlan cashion -

3.2mm thick, 18mm wide and 30mm long.

The closest you can buy is 3.7V 200mAh Lipo Polymer Rechargeable Battery 402030 , you have to squeeze it in.

Zeppy Zep -

What are the dimensions of the battery that is supplied in a fitbit blaze?

Stewart Flemming -

It's hard to get the right size but if you're willing to do some soldering, the closest battery size you can get and fit it into the blaze is 3.7v 160mAH 302030 Lithium Polymer Battery. Size 3mm X 20mm X 30mm .

40230 is too thick, I tried it.

Zeppy Zep -

This is the one I purchased a year ago. Ended up buying a newer Fitbit and that’s died now ! Not Happy with fitbit right now. I just installed the replacement on the old Blaze, but it has even less battery life - should I get another? could it just be a bad battery? Thanks

Omar Y Abby -

I fixed my blaze over the weekend using battery “Ofeely 3.7V 200mAh 402030 Lithium Polymer Li-Po Battery li ion Rechargeable Battery For Mp3 MP4 MP5 GPS” it was a very tight fit. I followed the steps here and it took me 15 to 30 minutes taking my time. The process was straight forward and I appreciate the information here to help. I did have to compress the width of the battery a little bit. The only think I would do differently is attempt to find find a slightly smaller (width) battery.

Link to battery I purchased:


aaron -

I attempted this fix over the weekend and was successful and very pleased with the outcome. The steps listed above was exactly what I needed to get the job done. The battery was a very tight fit, I feared that it may not actually fit. To get the job done, I used a magnetic screw tray to catch and hold the tiny screws and my Velleman adjustable temperature soldering iron to remove and attach the battery. The project was relatively quick, I took it slow since it was my first time soldering in many years, I estimated it took 20 to 30 minutes in total.

Helpful links:

Magnetic tray: http://amzn.to/2F5T29f

Velleman Soldering Iron: http://amzn.to/2EYYVBG

Battery: http://amzn.to/2ETRZdo

aaron -

Could any one tell me the dimensions of the battery for the fitbit blaze.. Many Thanks, Paul

Paul Tulip -

3.2* 20* 30. I found one. Then I bought a bunch. 167 mAh. It works great and haven’t had any problems. My wife is happy too!!! I bought some extras. $ 6.25 on Ebay, warriordad14.

Rod sader -

Just look for the postings of Zeppy Zep

VauWeh -

Could any one tell me why my fitbit blaze can’t count the floors?

Gunawan Dewi -

To get they battery you will want to go to mouser.com. They have an untold number of parts for everything. I was able to locate the part but have not ordered it yet.

geekjohn -

I don’t have the skills to replace the battery in my Blaze. It is only around 8 months old! I stopped wearing it for a couple of weeks during my recovery from an injury which limited my exercise program. I didn’t keep it charged; just let it run down. Now it won’t charge again. It doesn’t even come on to show the level of charge when it is plugged in. Does your company do these repairs or does anyone here know anyone who does? Thanks!

drupdegraff -

Fitbit has a 365 day warranty from day of purchase. If your item is within the 365 day warranty period and they determine there is an issue with the battery, they will send you a replacement device. Go to Fitbit.com and have a support chat. They will need your fitbit email address as they will check the sync data on your device and they will be able to determine the original sync date which they will use as the start of the warranty period. If you are within the 365 days and there is an issue, you get a replacement device. If it is out of the warranty period they will give you a 25% discount code on the purchase of a new device. There are no repair centers and not sure if anyone wants to run the risk of fixing for you. I know I don’t want the responsibility of having to answer for my workmanship if something goes wrong with the battery replacement and it happens to leak/blowup on your wrist.

OhioBlue -

I replaced the battery on mine over the weekend but there is no difference in longevity. It still lasts less than a day. I’ve tried the 2-button reset and no change. Any ideas? It’s almost like it’s a software issue that won’t allow it to charge anymore

Crazzy110 -

I just had my son in law replace my battery but it’s still not holding a charge for very long! The battery cost $10, and an hour of my son in laws time, but still no luck!

Andrea Krier -

Replaced my battery with an ebay replacement. Snug fit all seems great except it wont charge up all the way and drops the charge within 3 hrs. Can anyone please help?

Jesus Correa -

Same here, replaced battery, still drops charge. Replaced main board with known good, same. Swapped battery with another, same issue. WTF MATES!

Bazil Burns -

I thought I would save everyone else the trouble who is looking on Amazon / Ebay for the battery. Battery Size as follows:

Length: 29.50 mm

Width: 18.25 mm

Height: 3.5 mm

All of these measurements have been rounded to the closest 0.25 mm. Good luck and happy hunting.

Dirk Steyn -

Was able to fix my wife’s watch with this battery and these steps:

GM382030-PCB from www.powerstream.com

It took some slight modifications like trimming the outside metal sides and replacing with kapton tape to keep sides from opening.

Jack -

The replacement battery for the Fitbit Blaze can be found here:

Fitbit Blaze Battery

It also includes the tools needed (except the soldering iron) for this repair.

michaelf33707 -

Marek Jungbauer did you just solder the battery wires to the fitbit board or did you remove anything from the old battery to solder to the new battery before you installed it.

Don -

They make it hard to find the battery and hard to replace it also. All they want you to do is buy a new watch. Scam company to me as no help was offered to me when my watch went out. They offered me a discount on a new Blaze. I didn’t want to buy a new watch I wanted my watch fixed.

sself3035 -

I bought the one Marek Jungbauer mentioned, the Fitbit Blaze Replacement Battery LSSP321830AE 200mAh.

It is a bit larger than the original, since it was packaged in an additional folded foil (as you can see on the picture on the link page), and didn’t really fit. So I cut off the foil, but then suddenly the battery started to heat up, so we didn’t use it.

Any suggestions? You get it to fit with the larger size?

Frank Leene -

At step 8, the round silver thing (buzzer?), you need to carefully pry it out because it is glued in.

The replacement battery was a very tight fit. The foil needed to reshaped a little at the corners etc.

After replacing the battery, the new battery I used only lasted 7 hours. I will try a couple of charge cycles then report back.

A few people mention removing the “PCB“ from the old battery. Can you explain this?

John -

Replaced the battery with eBay one sold by warriordad14. Old battery lasted a few hours. New battery is good for 6 days with notifications on and heart rate monitor off.

Jim -

If you are from India, buy battery on


and get it changed at any local repair shop. I got myne sorted out at a total cost of Rs.300 including battery and repair cost

Raghu Rama -

I've bought 6 batteries from different sellers on ebay, but none keep a charge for a full day. Not much better than the original one.

Perhaps the ones I bought were old, or never had the claimed capacity.

Can anyone recommend a seller in Europe, or one that ships to Europe?

John -

Battery size is

30mm x 18mm x 4mm

markrgibson -

Battery available on ebay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/For-Fitbit-Bl... great site comes complete with tools. Existing battery hard to take out as quite a bit of adhesive on underside, but these instructions are crystal clear.

justinfinch -

i purchased a new battery from ifixit for my fitbit blaze watch. i replaced the battery. put it on the charger to recharge-still have the red battery light that indicates that the watch needs to be charged! watch is not recharging. i took the watch apart, checked the soldering. everything is tight. placed on charger again and same results. everything works great on the watch but it won’t charge! is the battery you sent me faulty?

why won’t my new battery charge?

Sharlene Linford -

I have had good success with replacing batteries on iPhones and Garmin GPS units using iFixit battery replacements. I was disappointed that this battery would only last 1 1/2 days before needing to be recharged. I first thought that maybe I had cold solder joints that was affecting the charge so I went back and made sure the joints were good. All in all, this didn’t work out for me and the wife got herself a new Fitbit.

John Nixon -

Just done fixing and confirmed it works. Australian here. I got a battery from Better Batt. Search for JM-N128. It took a month to arrive, due to being shipped from China. Dimensions are good and it fit back in quite easily. 160 mAh vs the original 165 mAh.

Cameron Marshall -