
If you need to replace some pieces (like the brusholder circuit), this guide will help you disassembling the pump.

  1. 1NL5mBkXdYsTxROy
    • Put the pump on the table, heading up.

    • Unscrew the 4 screws with the screwdriver.

    • Remove the O-ring.

  2. PDtpTxbgIOju2mAf
    • Using the flat head screwdriver apply some force between two teeth and try to lift the gear. Use the other hand or a plier (usually you don't need it) to take the first gear away.

    • Remove the second gear.

    • Remove the key, with the help of the flat head screwdriver: try to raise it from the bottom.

    • Don't forget to remove the key! If you do, you won't be able to continue.

  3. 4QpBpjMceuoDaxKW
    • Unscrew the nuts on the back using the socket wrench screwdriver.

    • Take away the washer and the little O-rings.

  4. RkQZjpZrAUEWkVjR
    • Keep your thumb on the shaft and lift the pump's head pulling from the hosefittings.

    • Then, again, keep your thumb on the shaft and lift the motor's stator.

    • Be careful: the magnetic field is strong, your finger may squeeze between the parts!

  5. Y6tPnVriaYd4VUXw
    • If the rotor gets stuck in the stator, push it from the bottom and pull it from the other side.

    • You need to have them separated, to assembly those back again.

    • You can now pull out the bearing and the spring from the back plate, using the flat screwdriver or the rotor shaft.

  6. XrYGVSMSg3tBB1gU
    • These are the pieces that you've just disassembled.


If you need to assemble the pump, use this guide: Marco UP Series Electric Pump Assembly

Marco Spa

Mitglied seit: 04/12/15

1471 Reputation

4 Kommentare

Domanda stupida: la pompa riceve corrente,gli ingranaggi (smontando la parte che li contiene) girano con una minima sollecitazione) il fusibile non salta…ma la pompa non parte! che faccio? …sono in grecia e volevo provare a sbloccarla prima di darmi battuto Grazie stefano

cippura -


se il motore parte (si muove) ma la pompa non muove acqua, sembrerebbe che le manchi la “chiavetta” che trasmette il moto dell’albero all’ingranaggio (passaggio 2 della guida). Nel caso non fosse questo il problema o volesse acquistare una nuova chiavetta, le suggerisco di scrivere a support@marco.it per una gestione diretta del problema con l’azienda e i loro tecnici.

Matteo -

Привет! Где купить сальник и подшипник для Marco up6 напишите ответ на почту igorandreev_1@mail.ru

igorandreev_1 -

Привет! Вы можете найти все запасные части на нашем сайте www.marco.it ( https://items.marco.it/en/r6400094.html ). Вы можете купить их оттуда после регистрации.

Marco Spa -