Benutze diese Anleitung zum Entfernen oder Ersetzen der SSD im MacBook Pro 13" Mitte 2014. Dieses MacBook Pro benutzt proprietären Stecker am Speichermedium und ist deshalb ohne Adapter nicht kompatibel zu gewöhnlichen M.2 Laufwerken. [ … ] Führe, wenn irgend möglich, vor der Reparatur ein Backup deiner SSD durch. Mache dich dann vertraut mit der Wiederherstellung über das Internet, oder erzeuge ein bootfähiges externes Laufwerk, so dass du macOS auf dein neues Laufwerk installieren und deine Daten auf die neue SSD übertragen kannst. [ … ] Wir empfehlen sehr die Installation von macOS 10.13 High Sierra (oder eine neuere Version), bevor du die originale SSD deines MacBook Air austauschst. Die meisten neueren SSD erfordern neuere Laufwerkstreiber, die es in macOS Versionen vor HighSierra noch nicht gibt.
Entferne die folgenden zehn Schrauben, die den Boden des Gehäuses befestigen:
Zwei 2,3 mm Pentalobe P5 Schrauben
Acht 3 mm Pentalobe P5 Schrauben
Gehe mit deinen Fingern zwischen das obere und das untere Gehäuse.
Hebe die untere Gehäuseabdeckung vorsichtig vom Gerät ab.
Trenne den Akkustecker mit dem flachen Ende eines Spudgers von seinem Anschluss auf dem Logic Board.
Entferne die einzelne 2,9 mm T5 Torx Schraube, mit der die SSD auf dem Logic Board befestigt ist.
Hebe das freie Ende der SSD etwas an und ziehe die SSD anschließend aus ihrem Sockel auf der Platine.
Befolge die Schritte dieser Anleitung in umgekehrter Reihenfolge, um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzubauen.
71 Kommentare
Can you confirm that the ssd for the macbook pro mid 2014 really is replaceable?
I hear rumours that the ssd is stuck to the motherbord.
I changed the MacBook Pro 13' Mid 2014 SSD successfully from 120GB to 1000GB. Follow all the steps provided and everything will be fine.
I spoke with an apple expert at the genius bar and they said that the SSD is Soldered into the motherboard itself. Which is why I bought another MacBook pro for $1500 after mine had corrupted. Once I was informed you could change it out, I filed a complaint with Apple's Tech Support, which they did nothing about and said that their employees were uninformed.
Yes, I just replaced my MBP Mid 2014 128GB SSD with 480GB SSD. So, I can confirm it works.
Why is it necessary to disconnect the battery for the SSD replacement?
You always want to remove the battery and/or unplug your laptop/desktop before doing any repairs or upgrades to reduce electrical shock.
ncrimmel -
Nonsense, turn the laptop off, make sure hand/wrist are grounded, and you do not have to disconnect the battery. There is more chance of battery surge damage or connector damage then there is damage to the hard disk in a complete shut down mode. 28 years of electronic repair in all industries has taught me this.
For security reasons. Microelectronic devices are very fragile and any little overcharge may harm them. When upgrading the SSD drive you are messing with the hardware. ;-)
Felix -
So you do not short it out.
Anything electrical MUST be neutralized before working. Batteries and other power sources MUST ALWAYS be disconnected before doing work. My experience with building and maintaining computers and systems since 1984 dictates this to be the way it has to be. Otherwise you have a very good chance to blow up your electronic device inadvertently.
To avoid potencial short circuit.
Because you shouldn’t have any potential power to any part of the device when working on it
meaty.1 -
Because that's what you always do before any repair ! For example, you are sure that the device is turned off, and, that there is no current on any part of the device. Better for you and increasing the odds the repair/fix is going to work by a mile.
Of course! Disconnect any power from any device you repair!!! I just burned up a logic board of my iPhone case-battery because of accidentally shortcuts circuit with metal tweezers =( Battery was connected to board
For all the screws you use the P5 pentalobe screwdriver?
Carlos -
Pentalobe is only for the screws on the bottom cover. The Torx screw driver is for the remainder.
Fredrik -
I never, ever, ever considered using anything but the correct tool on the Pentalobe screws. Too easy to strip and void your warranty (if still in effect), as well as make it almost impossible to get inside later for another upgrade or repair. The Wiha P5 Pentalobe screwdriver fits like a glove and costs only about $11 (a fraction of your drive's price)at Amazon.com. Get it!
marketing -
I followed this exactly and was able to replace my broken trackpad. I did not have to replace the ribbon OR the battery. However I would suggest getting the ribbon since it’s fairly cheap, as for the batteries I was able to do it with a card only. I didn’t use any heat or the liquid but it takes some time. You really have to work the card in there to release the glue. Also you must be very careful not to bend the batteries or damage them, if you do you must replace with new. This took me about 1.5hrs and my computer works like new. Apple cost for this job was around $450, I did it for $120. Big ups to ifixit for this awesome tutorial, tool set and parts!
On a side note, only use quality tools, the cheap ones will break or strip the screws.
Dustin Steward -
Note that the eight 3mm screws have a shoulder under the head, while the two 2.3mm screws are “full thread”, i.e., there is no shoulder under their heads. It’s important to put the two screws with no shoulder at the hinge of the cover.
All ten screws require a P5 Pentalobe screwdriver, preferably with a magnetized tip to help hold and position the screw.
All of the screws have blue “Loctite” thread locker compound on their threads. This is to help prevent the screws from working loose and falling out. Don’t attempt to clean the Loctite from the screws — leave it in place, and it will continue to help prevent the re-inserted screws from working loose.
When replacing the bottom cover, it is a good technique to insert and BEGIN tightening all ten screws BEFORE fully tightening any one screw. After all the screws have been started, then go around and finish tightening all of them. By doing this, you make it easier to feel that each screw has been started properly, and is not “cross-threaded”.
doubleclutch -
This is what I found on my MBP mid-2014 13” Retina. All 10 used the same screwdriver. I didn’t see the blue “loctite” but I also got my computer refurbished.
Evan Shulman -
A good technique for starting to thread the screws when replacing them is to position and align the screw, and with the driver, gently turn the screw in the REMOVAL direction until you feel and hear a slight click. This click happens when the leading thread of the screw drops off of the leading edge of the thread in the hole — this is the point at which the threads are properly positioned for engagement. You can now turn the driver and screw in the TIGHTENING direction. This technique will help prevent accidental “cross-threading” of the screw, which will damage the threads permanently.
Note that this is a useful technique when installing ANY threaded fastener.
doubleclutch -
Hi peeps,
I have a wifi problem on this MBP 13” early 2015 and was pleasently surprised to find your guide to changing the airport card.
However upon closer inspection it seems that on my MBP (purchased new or so I thought) the 3 antennae seem so have been soldered together at the point where they are clamped to the chassis. I have photos but cannot post here. Can anyone conform that where the 3 antennae wires are held to the chssis by the 2 scew metal support (just before disappearing into the screen hinge), the support is not meant to short the 3 wires together. This makes no sense for 3 seperate antennae wires.
Any advice /close up photos is welcome here.
colonel mustard -
Tip: Use post-it notes to keep track of screws
1. Pack of post it notes
2. Stick screws to the sticky part of the post it note
3. Write on the post it note which step and what kind of screw it is
ibash -
Hi, in order to drain the battery I am running:
yes > /dev/null
in 4 terminals, so the CPU maxes out at almost 99%.
I hope this speeds up the battery draining process.
And the backlight is at maximum brightness :-)
You can see the cpu load in Activity Monitor.
Its draining at 20% per 15 minutes.
Any concerns about draining the battery in this way?
Andre van der Ham -
Something I’ve been curious about, is it possible to upgrade a late 2013 Retina model MacBook Pro, with the improved 16gb ram and i7 processor logic board from the 2015 retina model? I’d be interested to try but not ready to shell out the $500+ to be the first lol
Chat Dawgie -
Without rehashing what others have said, I would highly recommend reading through the steps *and* the comments for each before tackling your replacement for tips. Highlights for me were: only disconnecting what actually needed to be disconnected, rotating the spudger to release the track pad cable, a hair dryer worked perfectly fine, and the pencil outline of the battery before you remove. You got this!
N DesRochers -
Installation of replacement AirPort card was easier than I had expected thanks to this guide. Thank you.
chaslaw -
I use replaced SSD and it was super easy and working great. I can finally upgrade Mac OS with plenty of room to spare and no more low memory alerts. Well worth investment and didn’t have to buy new laptop
Pete James -
It's interesting that this tutorial is rated Moderate even though you need to remove the battery. The battery removal tutorial which is basically the same but with fewer steps is rated Difficult.
Marv Ruona -
when i pulled the screws out i arranged them in the same way they were in. the top 2 middle screws appeared to be shorter than the rest. in order to keep them in place i got a square of packing tape sticky side up, taped both sides down with 2 other pieces of tape. and then put the screws head down in the order i pulled them.
Jason Wade -
Excellent instructions although checking battery and speakers aligned before fixing batteries into place is essential. MacBook good as new!
John Foreman -
I find it helpful to spread a soft, slightly fuzzy cloth (like flannel) over my workspace before doing something with small parts. It keeps screws and things from rolling or bouncing away. A towel might be too plush, though, as a screw might get lost in it.
Richard KeslerWest -