Diese Anleitung erklärt wie du ein kaputtes Display an deiner Galaxy Watch tauschen kannst.
Setze ein Opening Tool zwischen die Rückabdeckung und das Metallgehäuse der Uhr.
Heble vorsichtig die Rückabdeckung aus Plastik auf.
Lege die Uhr hin und hebe die Rückabdeckung an, um an den Sensor-Stecker auf dem Motherboard zu gelangen.
Klebe ggf. Klebeband über das Display, damit sich keine scharfkantigen Splitter lösen, an denen du dich verletzen könntest.
Drücke mit dem Finger oder dem Daumen auf das Display, um den Kleber zu lösen.
Entferne das Display.
Um das Gerät wieder zusammenzubauen, arbeite die Schritte in umgekehrter Reihenfolge ab.
Entsorge deinen Elektromüll fachgerecht.
Lief die Reparatur nicht wie geplant? Versuche es mit einigen grundsätzlichen Lösungsansätzen oder frage in unserem Forum nach Hilfe bei der Fehlersuche.
I can't get them to budge
Irene -
Same here, its impossible to get the screws off. They’re almost stripped now too.
Prabhat -
Sorry to hear that. Here are some tips on how to get those screws off hopefully: Wie man eine rundgedrehte Schraube entfernt
Tobias Isakeit -
Just started working on watch. Can not get the screws out. I purchased the recommended tools. Screws won't budge. I have not stripped them yet. How do I get them to loosen up?
joyce c -
Same here. I did buy your Electronics repair Bundle. The Y000 is too pointy, we need a flatter tool
Robertob67 -
Hi Ladies & Gentleman, please try as follows:
Use a spray can of "WD 40" with a spray pipe/tube but DO NOT spray into the screw holes. Just spray shortly on a piece of paper, a drop of WD40 will remain at the end of the spray pipe. This drop I put into the screw hole position. Do this for each screw hole and leave the stuff approx. 10 minutes alone. Afterwards use the screw driver as normal to turn the screws out.
*** After the drop is placed into the hole do not wait too long as WD40 is crawling into "even not existing gaps"
*** just use a small drop of WD40.
*** I intend for using 4 new screws as the head (Tri-Pont profile) seems worn out. But if I get new screws for sure I will go for a TORX profile because its the best as you don't need to apply axial force on screw driver.
Very best regards from Harald (a German machine building engineer)
Harald -
Harald again to Robertob67:
It is NOT the Tool Y000 but the Y00
Best regards
Harald -