
If you purchased an original Xbox Wireless Receiver for Windows and are having issues using it in Win10, this guide will show you how to install the driver manually if it is not automatically picked up.

While the need for this method is less frequent in Win10, it still happens from time to time.

PLANNED EOL DATE: On 1/1/2023, this guide will be progressively phased out. On 1/1/2024, I will no longer support users with driver install issues, but will correct major mistakes. On 10/1/2025, I will consider this guide “Obsolete” (Win10 EOL: 10/14/2025).

NOTE: While this guide will be obsolete on 10/1/2025, I will keep it up as long as I reasonably can but will consider it unsupported. If there are major issues that cause major breakdowns, I may pull the guide at this point.

Guide notes

  • In most cases, Windows 10 will “just work". If it does not automatically pick up and install the driver, manual installation may be required. This improved compatibility is a result of Microsoft considering Xbox accessory compatibility in Windows 10.
  • IMPORTANT: NO LONGER SUPPORTED AS OF 1/1/23, KEPT UP AS-IS. Windows 7/8.x users: Refer to the Windows 7/8.x specific guide. These are split, as 10 required specific changes. As a result, this guide is tailored around Windows 10.
    • NOTE: I did not get an initial install prompt, and do not know how to re-trigger it. As I used this laptop as a test it will not be visible but may show for you. I do not know how to trigger the initial installation window manually.
  1. w3Y6aicmoZxPblAN
    • If you are using the Model 1790 (Slim) Xbox One wireless receiver, you must use the following driver: Xbox - Net - 10.46.1.

    • Plug your Xbox Wireless Receiver into your PC. Proceed with the next steps if installation fails.

    • Locate Other Devices. Without a driver installed, the receiver will be found here.

    • Double click XBOX ACC and check for Code 28. Click Update Driver and you will see a window with two options.

    • Before manually installing the driver, select Search automatically for updated driver software. Install the driver manually if this fails.

  2. mty6rSMkgcJEmjE6
    • Note: Search Xbox Wireless if the link does not work. Download the driver from the Microsoft Update Catalog. Select the following driver: Microsoft driver update for Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows ( Unzip the file with 7Zip.

    • Select Browse my computer for driver software.

    • Locate the folder where the driver is located and select Copy address as text. Paste the location into the search box. Click Next.

    Eieiei… Der Hinweis mit der benötigten Treiberversion für die neuere Variante des Controller hat mir tetsächlich geholfen. Schwer zu glauben, dass man im Jahr 2020 unter Windows 10 ein USB-Produkt von Microsoft (!) manuell installieren muss und dafür auch noch Hilfe über eine Suchmaschine benötigt. Danke für den Tipp!

    Karlchen Klammer -

    Bei mir erkennt er den Treiber nicht an. Da steht das keine Treiber auf dem Gerät gefunden wurden, obwohl ich den Treiber ausgewählt habe. Ich nehme mal an ich sollte den upgedateten Treiber downloaden.

    Pls help

    EinHaufen Kekse -

    Ich habs"!!!

    [Download] XBOX ACC Treiber für Windows 10/7/8 - Driver Easy Deutschland

    Microsoft Update-Katalog und dann Version vom 11.07.2017 die ist 217 KB

    BYEBYE03 -

    Bei mir das selbe Problem, würde mich sehr über Hilfe freuen

    BYEBYE03 -

    Ich hatte heute dasselbe Problem. Es hat tatsächlich mit dem Anniversary Treiber vom 11.07.2017 (217 KB) funktioniert. Unter der Nummer gibt es zwei Treiber mit dem Datum und der Grösse. Es muss aber der Anniversary Treiber sein.

    Nach der Installation ist der Adapter im Gerätemanager in die Kategorie “Netzwerkadapter” gerutscht und ist nun korrekt installiert.

    Wirklich unglaublich, dass dies heutzutage noch nötig ist, daher vielen Dank für die Anleitung.

    Björn Lex -

    Danke ! Genau das war es bei mir auch :)

    Niksyde -

    Danke euch :-) Ich hatte das gleiche problem.

    Danke Björn Lex habe ich endlich eine Lösung gefunden.

    anissa.halbich -

    Ive downloaded the driver and placed it into my downloads folder. if i try and search for C:\Users\Justin\Downloads, and C:\Users\Justin\Downloads\ . And it still doesnt download.

    please help.


    justin.cawood -

    Microsoft drivers failing for a Microsoft device on a Microsoft operating system that's for connecting to another Microsoft device.

    Rich Peers (data7of9) -

  3. DBS3xkP62gbBCRa1
    • To verify the driver was installed correctly, check under Network Adapters. If the driver was installed correctly, it will show up here.


Member since: 11/11/09

82136 Reputation


Hi Nick,

This is a great guide. It seems to be a common issue and many people have offered similar solutions, but this one is the clearest and most well-explained.

However, it didn’t work for me - and from comments I’ve seen around, I know I’m not the only one. I wonder if you have any thoughts on this?

At the end of Step 3 (“Click Next and install the driver”), the window flashes to something like “Searching location…” for less than a second and then I get:

Windows was unable to install your XBOX ACC

Windows could not find drivers for your device.

If you know the manufacturer of your device, you can visit their website and check the support section for downloadable drivers.

I’m using Win 10 64-bit, fully updated.

I’ve tried the other drivers on the Update Catalog with the same result.

Is it possible to manually force the drivers to be installed?



ErynExtremelyOnline -

You can actually download the driver manually to force the installation. To force the installation, you will need this driver for Win10: Microsoft driver update for Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows (

If the issue is installation, you need to unzip the folder and put the files in a normal folder. The .cab folder from the download site doesn’t work as-is. I should have clarified this, but it’s corrected.

Nick -

Thanks, but that wasn’t my issue.

I figured out that you can use the “Have disk…” option in the driver update dialog to force the install, but that still didn’t fix it - Device Manager correctly identified the device as “Xbox Wireless Adapter”, but it showed error code 10 and still failed to work.

What actually fixed it was a NEWER, entirely different (and deceptively named) driver in the Update Catalog.

For 64-bit systems:

Title: Xbox - Net - 7/11/2017 12:00:00 AM -

Products: Windows 10 Anniversary Update and Later Servicing Drivers,Windows 10 S and Later Servicing Drivers

Classification: Drivers (Networking)

Last Updated: 7/11/2017


Size: 217 KB

For x86 systems:

Title: Xbox - Net - 7/11/2017 12:00:00 AM -

Products: Windows 10 Anniversary Update and Later Servicing Drivers,Windows 10 S and Later Servicing Drivers

Classification: Drivers (Networking)

Last Updated: 7/11/2017


Size: 194 KB

I really hope this helps anyone else out there with the same issues as me.


ErynExtremelyOnline -

I did it on a W10 Build 1708 system with deferred updates and the throttled internet connection option enabled. I think 1708 is the Anniversary update, so there’s a chance that system had an older build at the time.

Nick -

Yeah, that makes sense.

I also just realised that your guide is for the original Wireless Adapter - whereas I’ve got the new (smaller) one. Maybe add a note that owners of the newer adapter will also need the newer driver?

None of the other guides I’ve seen out there include this info either, and yours is still the easiest to follow… so you’re still winning :)

ErynExtremelyOnline -

I added it to step 1 as a note and made it bold. Hopefully that works to make this issue more prominent.

I’m sure I could modify the driver and use the new one by adding the VID to the old W7/8.x driver but I’d rather just have the one that works. I still use W7, which is why. If I had a Windows 10 system, I might be willing to try that and see.

I didn’t add the driver information for the one you have because I made this guide for the old one and labeled the device page accordingly. This wasn’t an oversight but an issue that came up later on.

Nick -

Oh yeah, I totally agree Nick - this guide is for a specific issue with a specific device and you provide the best solution for that issue. I think the note you added to Step 1 is perfect and should tell anyone who comes here with the same problem as me everything they need to know.

Ultimately, apart from releasing a device that commonly fails to interact correctly with their own ecosystem (and then updating the hardware without solving a problem from 2015), Microsoft screwed up by not meaningfully differentiating between the original version of the adapter and the slim update.

So we have 2 devices with different model numbers (1713 vs 1790)… but the same name, same MS support page, same issue - and different solutions.

Which is a problem for people just searching “xbox wireless adapter “xbox acc””! But hopefully they come here first instead of going to all the Reddit & Steam posts that don’t include your note.

ErynExtremelyOnline -

The only thing the adapter you own does is remove W7/8.x compatibility by changing the VID. I think it’s existence is stupid, but they still released it. Changing the VID isn’t sufficient to fix the issue - they should have changed the device name and VID to make it easier to differentiate.

The fat one isn’t as pretty (and needs an extension on most laptops) but I’d rather maintain native 7/8.x compatibility.

Nick -

Thanx! My hero !!!

panigormazur -

Eryn you are an absolute lifesaver - your help has meant I didn’t have to send back my dongle. I really appreciate your guidance, I was slowly going insane!


Zoe Parminter -

No problem, Zoe.

I actually replaced mine once before I ended up here (but not until after I’d wasted half of videogame night trying to get the first one to work because I’d assumed an MS device would work just fine on an MS operating system - so glad one of the girls brought her Xbox just in case). When the second one had the exact same issues I decided it was time to start actively posting about it and I ended up here… my success is the result of downloading every Xbox-related driver on the Update Catalog and force-installing them one by one in total desperation.

Just really glad it’s already helped someone!


ErynExtremelyOnline -

I have a small Xbox One wireless receiver and I downloaded the driver Xbox - Net - 7/11/2017 12:00:00 AM - and installed it, but when de installation finish it show me “The software for this device has been blocked because it is known to have problems with Windows (Code 48) “

brunoscheffer89 -

Strange - that driver worked for @erynmillennial. I had to take her word for it when I added that note to the guide and I trust she’s right since she got it working with that driver. I don’t have the new receiver like her (partially because I STILL use Win7 and 8.x and don’t own ANY Win10 hardware) so I can’t go in and figure out which driver works.

Code 48 means the driver has known compatibility issues. Are you using the new driver on the “fat” adapter? That’s the wrong driver for that receiver and ONLY applies to the small one she mentioned. You need to use the one I mentioned in Step 3. I may have to end up making a guide just for that receiver if this happens again.

For everyone else, I’ve updated my warning to clarify this.

Nick -

I also had this problem, but I noticed that there are actually 4 variants of the driver. I had to pick the third one, so maybe try out the other variants, it may depend on your windows version. All in all I find it outrageous that a microsoft product needs this much effort to work.

Ivo Kracht -

Nick you are the Best !!!! Thank you for the advice mate, you made my day!!!

Gal Zsolt -


Thank you for this.

I just got this new gaming PC and it’s so far a little of a putdown.

no wifi built Bluetooth installed internally.. (wtf)

and this helped me a whole ton

Thanks !

Anthony Mulvihill -

That’s normal with system builders who aren’t a big name. Almost none of them include WiFi/BT unless you specifically order it.

Nick -

For those who have bought a new one recently, the way to solve this problem (none of the manual drivers work!) is to go into windows update and force an update (even if it says no updates found, click the Check For Updates button). Magically an update appears! Magically! Argh, so annoying.

liedra -

The Win10 slim one of the fat one?

Nick -

The slim one.

liedra -

That’s the first time I’ve heard that. If it comes up again I’ll look into making a note.

You may have used the wrong driver. I’m not sure if that’s the case but the drivers are different between the two as I found out a while back.

Nick -

This works! Everything else I tried failed except for this.

Stephen -


Donkey Monkey -

I don’t like that method because of Microsoft’s update track record. If you’ve never had an issue, do it.

Nick -

thanks it works. I thought of buying a new one, but luckily i don´t have to.

Simon Sauthof -

Thank you very much,i can fix my problem with that.

Title: Xbox - Net - 7/11/2017 12:00:00 AM -

Products: Windows 10 Anniversary Update and Later Servicing Drivers,Windows 10 S and Later Servicing Drivers

Classification: Drivers (Networking)

Last Updated: 7/11/2017


Size: 217 KB

N4mr3G / -

the driver that worked for me

For 64-bit systems:

Title: Xbox - Net - 7/11/2017 12:00:00 AM -

Products: Windows 10 Anniversary Update and Later Servicing Drivers,Windows 10 S and Later Servicing Drivers

Classification: Drivers (Networking)

Last Updated: 7/11/2017


Size: 217 KB

tur_n3r1235 -

Thank for help !


For 64-bit systems:

Title: Xbox - Net - 7/11/2017 12:00:00 AM -

Products: Windows 10 Anniversary Update and Later Servicing Drivers,Windows 10 S and Later Servicing Drivers

Classification: Drivers (Networking)

Last Updated: 7/11/2017


Size: 217 KB

ErynExtremelyOnline - 16/03/2018

Hergo Killz -

ErynExtremelyOnline, you got it! Your answer was the only that worked for me.

Thank you!

Miguel Chipana -

I am still having problem. outdated Windows 10 64bit (pre-aniversary update), Xbox one wireless 1697 and usb receiver 1713

Device manager shows (XBOX ACC), error 28. Automatic drivers udpate failed.

So i went to and downloaded following:

1) Xbox - Net - - Windows 10 Creators Update and Later Servicing Drivers, Windows 10 Creators Update and Later Upgrade & Servicing Drivers

2) Microsoft driver update for Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows - Windows 10 and later drivers, Windows 10 and later upgrade & servicing drivers

Manual driver install to a XBOX ACC by selecting cab files or directories with these extracted not find any suitable driver. Right clicking .inf and installing also no effect. Not tried reboot. What to install now please? “Xbox Controller” device WORKS when wired using cable. Problem is with wireless USB adapter/receiver.

P P -

Some people in the comments here have reported it works when you get the driver through Windows Update. I'm waiting until 2004 stabilizes to cover that on a fresh machine that I haven't made work yet to cover it.

Too many issues to go near it on production hardware for now.

Nick -

If anyone is getting an error saying that windows cannot find any drivers for your device after trying to manually install drivers by following this guide, try this. Go to your windows update panel and select advanced options. From there enable the option to receive updates for other Microsoft products and then check for updates. In my case, there was an update call Microsoft Game Net or something similar, I can’t remember the exact name. Download that update and see if it works. For me, as soon as the update installed my Microsoft wireless adapter went from “XBOX ACC” under other devices to “Xbox wireless adapter for Windows” under network adapters in Device manager.

This was done using the smaller Microsoft wireless adapter.

Peter T. -

Peter - you’re a star! That worked immediately for me. Thanks so much

Neil Wooding -

This should be the first thing everyone should try if the adapter doesn’t work automatically and was the only thing that finally got it to work for me. Thanks Pete

Kyle Mack -

Thanks for the guide. Really helped me getting it sorted since Microsoft’s website didn’t offer much help.

François M. -

@erynmillennial It’s almost 2021 and without your detailed guide i couldn’t make it work, THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Luca Audrito -

I follow all the guide and this is unfonctional !

EnderX_fr -

And update for anyone who might need it…..

Im Running windows 10 64 bit and using a 1790 model with a series x controller. Could not get it to work . 1.0.46 DID NOT work for me. This one below 1.9.45 did work!. Thanks for your help. Finally got it working.

Xbox - Net - 7/18/2018 12:00:00 AM - 10 and later drivers,Windows 10 and later upgrade & servicing drivers,Windows 10 S and Later Servicing DriversDrivers (Networking)7/17/20181.0.45.5225 KB

electriched -

Is December 12/13/2020 and this problem still persists. What are you doing Microsoft?

in Microsoft Update Catalog a lot if not all do not fix this problem.

Search for “xbox adapter” and download Xbox - Net - 7/11/2017 12:00:00 AM - Three of the same show up on the list. Pick the one with the size of 217kb. Choose the first one. The folder starts with 8884e7cc. This one worked for me and it should work for you.

If you installed a different driver and it changed the XBOX ACC device to the XBOX WIRELESS ADAPTER FOR WINDOWS but still have a problem. Uninstall device, make sure to click on the box where it says “delete the driver software for this device”. after you do this it will show up as XBOX ACC again. then you update with the driver I mentioned on top. Good luck

cassandra vargas -

Thank you! I had this issue with a brand new adapter on *two* entirely different computers running Windows 10 versions 2004 and 20H2. The download you mentioned worked perfectly. Windows Update failed to provide the driver on both machines.

Microsoft’s own hardware doesn’t work on their own OS without jumping through hoops. I can’t believe it.

Michael Flagg -

Nick you are a &&^&^$^ legend your fix worked what i cant believe its 2020 and Microsoft still haven’t resolved this issue or made the driver easy to find without your comment i wouldn’t have got this working

Barnaby Savage -

ErynExtremelyOnline thank you so much u are a fcking god!

Patrik Laki -

hey hey @nick ive just looked at this and i still need help for some reason the adapter works on my dads acer laptop but not on my new alienware m15 r3, ive done all the steps that you’ve said and the only one im so confused on its the unzipping and putting it in a new folder as even when the zip thingy you gave us it dont know what to unzip or how, please please help me!!!!! lol

Luna Rose -

Thank you @erynmillennial!!! I unsuccessfully tried many different drivers before this one - you’re right, it is deceptively named. Many thanks.

Ryan Miller -

I was having loads of random connection drops with my adaptor (new slim model). The adaptor would show up in device manager with a yellow triangle. Plugging it in and out often fixed it but not always. Reboots didn’t always fix either. Turns out updating my PCs BIOS did the trick, as with the guy in the post below. My motherboard is a Maximus Hero VIII.

Richard Gore -

If this doesn’t resolve your issue, you can YouTube ‘Xbox ACC Fix For the New Wireless Adapter for Windows 10’ by SuperSlider. The drivers that he uploaded via mediafire isn’t available in the Microsoft update catalog.

Note: You will have to uninstall the previous drivers to install the driver from mediafire.

Kuro -