Mecke reagent

The Mecke reagent is used as a simple spot-test to presumptively identify alkaloids as well as other compounds. It is composed of a mixture of selenous acid and concentrated sulfuric acid,[1] which is dripped onto the substance being tested.

The United States Department of Justice method for producing the reagent is the addition of 100 mL of concentrated (95–98%) sulfuric acid to 1 g of selenous acid. While sale to the general public is legal, it is not recommended as strong corrosives can cause permanent skin and eye damage and require extensive safety ratings. [2]

Final colors produced by Mecke Reagent with various substances[2]
Substance Color
ChlorpromazineBlackish red
CodeineVery dark bluish green
Diacetylmorphine (Heroin)Deep bluish green
DMMADark brown
DoxepinVery dark red
DristanLight olive brown
ExedrineDark greyish yellow
LSDGreenish black
MaceDark greyish olive
Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA)Very dark blue
MescalineModerate olive
Morphine monohydrateVery dark bluish green
OpiumOlive black
OxycodoneModerate olive
PropoxypheneDeep reddish brown
PMMAPale olive green[3]
PMAPale olive green[3] or light green[4]
SugarBrilliant greenish yellow

See also


  1. "Mecke Reagent Testing Kit (Red Label)". Dancesafe. Archived from the original on 2012-01-24. Retrieved 2012-01-26.
  2. 1 2 "Color Test Reagents/Kits for Preliminary Identification of Drugs of Abuse" (PDF). Law Enforcement and Corrections Standards and Testing Program. July 2000. Retrieved 2011-07-24.
  3. 1 2 EMCDDA (30 Mar 2011). EMCDDA Risk Assessment: Report on the Risk Assessment of PMMA in the Framework of the Joint Action on New Synthetic Drugs. Dictus Publishing. p. 54. ISBN 978-3-8433-2695-7. Retrieved 2012-01-25.
  4. "Clarke's Analysis of Drugs and Poisons". Pharmaceutical Press. 2011. doi:10.1080/00450618.2011.620006. ISBN 978-0-85369-711-4. S2CID 71790993.

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