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Background and Identification
The Asus ZenFone 3 Zoom was released in February of 2017. It is a member of the 3rd generation of ZenFones, identifiable by its eponymous 2.3x optical zoom.
It sports not only a tighter zoom than other ZenFones but also a much longer battery life. It has a 5.5" display, 1920x1080 resolution, and a model number of ZE553KL.
Asus would later release a 4th generation of ZenFones over the course of 2017.
Additional Information
Amazon Page for the ASUS ZenFone 3 Zoom
Wikipedia page detailing all generations of ASUS ZenFones
Technical comparison between the ASUS ZenFone 3 and ASUS ZenFone 3 Zoom