List of chemical elements

118 chemical elements have been identified and named officially by IUPAC. A chemical element, often simply called an element, is a type of atom which has a specific number of protons in its atomic nucleus (i.e., a specific atomic number, or Z).[1]

The definitive visualisation of all 118 elements is the periodic table of the elements, whose history along the principles of the periodic law was one of the founding developments of modern chemistry. It is a tabular arrangement of the elements by their chemical properties that usually uses abbreviated chemical symbols in place of full element names, but the linear list format presented here is also useful. Like the periodic table, the list below organizes the elements by the number of protons in their atoms; it can also be organized by other properties, such as atomic weight, density, and electronegativity. For more detailed information about the origins of element names, see List of chemical element name etymologies.


Z Sym. Element Name
Group Period Block Atomic




(J/g · K)
in Earth's
Origin[i] Phase[j]
1 H Hydrogen [k] 1 1 s-block 1.0080 0.00008988 14.01 20.28 14.304 2.20 1400 primordial gas
2 He Helium [l] 18 1 s-block 4.0026 0.0001785 [m] 4.22 5.193 0.008 primordial gas
3 Li Lithium [n] 1 2 s-block 6.94 0.534 453.69 1560 3.582 0.98 20 primordial solid
4 Be Beryllium [o] 2 2 s-block 9.0122 1.85 1560 2742 1.825 1.57 2.8 primordial solid
5 B Boron [p] 13 2 p-block 10.81 2.34 2349 4200 1.026 2.04 10 primordial solid
6 C Carbon [q] 14 2 p-block 12.011 2.267 >4000 4300 0.709 2.55 200 primordial solid
7 N Nitrogen [r] 15 2 p-block 14.007 0.0012506 63.15 77.36 1.04 3.04 19 primordial gas
8 O Oxygen [s] 16 2 p-block 15.999 0.001429 54.36 90.20 0.918 3.44 461000 primordial gas
9 F Fluorine [t] 17 2 p-block 18.998 0.001696 53.53 85.03 0.824 3.98 585 primordial gas
10 Ne Neon [u] 18 2 p-block 20.180 0.0009002 24.56 27.07 1.03 0.005 primordial gas
11 Na Sodium [v] 1 3 s-block 22.990 0.968 370.87 1156 1.228 0.93 23600 primordial solid
12 Mg Magnesium [w] 2 3 s-block 24.305 1.738 923 1363 1.023 1.31 23300 primordial solid
13 Al Aluminium [x] 13 3 p-block 26.982 2.70 933.47 2792 0.897 1.61 82300 primordial solid
14 Si Silicon [y] 14 3 p-block 28.085 2.3290 1687 3538 0.705 1.9 282000 primordial solid
15 P Phosphorus [z] 15 3 p-block 30.974 1.823 317.30 550 0.769 2.19 1050 primordial solid
16 S Sulfur [aa] 16 3 p-block 32.06 2.07 388.36 717.87 0.71 2.58 350 primordial solid
17 Cl Chlorine [ab] 17 3 p-block 35.45 0.0032 171.6 239.11 0.479 3.16 145 primordial gas
18 Ar Argon [ac] 18 3 p-block 39.95 0.001784 83.80 87.30 0.52 3.5 primordial gas
19 K Potassium [ad] 1 4 s-block 39.098 0.89 336.53 1032 0.757 0.82 20900 primordial solid
20 Ca Calcium [ae] 2 4 s-block 40.078 1.55 1115 1757 0.647 1.00 41500 primordial solid
21 Sc Scandium [af] 3 4 d-block 44.956 2.985 1814 3109 0.568 1.36 22 primordial solid
22 Ti Titanium [ag] 4 4 d-block 47.867 4.506 1941 3560 0.523 1.54 5650 primordial solid
23 V Vanadium [ah] 5 4 d-block 50.942 6.11 2183 3680 0.489 1.63 120 primordial solid
24 Cr Chromium [ai] 6 4 d-block 51.996 7.15 2180 2944 0.449 1.66 102 primordial solid
25 Mn Manganese [aj] 7 4 d-block 54.938 7.21 1519 2334 0.479 1.55 950 primordial solid
26 Fe Iron [ak] 8 4 d-block 55.845 7.874 1811 3134 0.449 1.83 56300 primordial solid
27 Co Cobalt [al] 9 4 d-block 58.933 8.90 1768 3200 0.421 1.88 25 primordial solid
28 Ni Nickel [am] 10 4 d-block 58.693 8.908 1728 3186 0.444 1.91 84 primordial solid
29 Cu Copper [an] 11 4 d-block 63.546 8.96 1357.77 2835 0.385 1.90 60 primordial solid
30 Zn Zinc [ao] 12 4 d-block 65.38 7.14 692.88 1180 0.388 1.65 70 primordial solid
31 Ga Gallium [ap] 13 4 p-block 69.723 5.91 302.9146 2673 0.371 1.81 19 primordial solid
32 Ge Germanium [aq] 14 4 p-block 72.630 5.323 1211.40 3106 0.32 2.01 1.5 primordial solid
33 As Arsenic [ar] 15 4 p-block 74.922 5.727 1090[as] 887 0.329 2.18 1.8 primordial solid
34 Se Selenium [at] 16 4 p-block 78.971 4.81 453 958 0.321 2.55 0.05 primordial solid
35 Br Bromine [au] 17 4 p-block 79.904 3.1028 265.8 332.0 0.474 2.96 2.4 primordial liquid
36 Kr Krypton [av] 18 4 p-block 83.798 0.003749 115.79 119.93 0.248 3.00 1×10−4 primordial gas
37 Rb Rubidium [aw] 1 5 s-block 85.468 1.532 312.46 961 0.363 0.82 90 primordial solid
38 Sr Strontium [ax] 2 5 s-block 87.62 2.64 1050 1655 0.301 0.95 370 primordial solid
39 Y Yttrium [ay] 3 5 d-block 88.906 4.472 1799 3609 0.298 1.22 33 primordial solid
40 Zr Zirconium [az] 4 5 d-block 91.224 6.52 2128 4682 0.278 1.33 165 primordial solid
41 Nb Niobium [ba] 5 5 d-block 92.906 8.57 2750 5017 0.265 1.6 20 primordial solid
42 Mo Molybdenum [bb] 6 5 d-block 95.95 10.28 2896 4912 0.251 2.16 1.2 primordial solid
43 Tc Technetium [bc] 7 5 d-block [97] 11 2430 4538 1.9 ~ 3×10−9 from decay solid
44 Ru Ruthenium [bd] 8 5 d-block 101.07 12.45 2607 4423 0.238 2.2 0.001 primordial solid
45 Rh Rhodium [be] 9 5 d-block 102.91 12.41 2237 3968 0.243 2.28 0.001 primordial solid
46 Pd Palladium [bf] 10 5 d-block 106.42 12.023 1828.05 3236 0.244 2.20 0.015 primordial solid
47 Ag Silver [bg] 11 5 d-block 107.87 10.49 1234.93 2435 0.235 1.93 0.075 primordial solid
48 Cd Cadmium [bh] 12 5 d-block 112.41 8.65 594.22 1040 0.232 1.69 0.159 primordial solid
49 In Indium [bi] 13 5 p-block 114.82 7.31 429.75 2345 0.233 1.78 0.25 primordial solid
50 Sn Tin [bj] 14 5 p-block 118.71 7.265 505.08 2875 0.228 1.96 2.3 primordial solid
51 Sb Antimony [bk] 15 5 p-block 121.76 6.697 903.78 1860 0.207 2.05 0.2 primordial solid
52 Te Tellurium [bl] 16 5 p-block 127.60 6.24 722.66 1261 0.202 2.1 0.001 primordial solid
53 I Iodine [bm] 17 5 p-block 126.90 4.933 386.85 457.4 0.214 2.66 0.45 primordial solid
54 Xe Xenon [bn] 18 5 p-block 131.29 0.005894 161.4 165.03 0.158 2.60 3×10−5 primordial gas
55 Cs Caesium [bo] 1 6 s-block 132.91 1.93 301.59 944 0.242 0.79 3 primordial solid
56 Ba Barium [bp] 2 6 s-block 137.33 3.51 1000 2170 0.204 0.89 425 primordial solid
57 La Lanthanum [bq] f-block groups 6 f-block 138.91 6.162 1193 3737 0.195 1.1 39 primordial solid
58 Ce Cerium [br] f-block groups 6 f-block 140.12 6.770 1068 3716 0.192 1.12 66.5 primordial solid
59 Pr Praseodymium [bs] f-block groups 6 f-block 140.91 6.77 1208 3793 0.193 1.13 9.2 primordial solid
60 Nd Neodymium [bt] f-block groups 6 f-block 144.24 7.01 1297 3347 0.19 1.14 41.5 primordial solid
61 Pm Promethium [bu] f-block groups 6 f-block [145] 7.26 1315 3273 1.13 2×10−19 from decay solid
62 Sm Samarium [bv] f-block groups 6 f-block 150.36 7.52 1345 2067 0.197 1.17 7.05 primordial solid
63 Eu Europium [bw] f-block groups 6 f-block 151.96 5.244 1099 1802 0.182 1.2 2 primordial solid
64 Gd Gadolinium [bx] f-block groups 6 f-block 157.25 7.90 1585 3546 0.236 1.2 6.2 primordial solid
65 Tb Terbium [by] f-block groups 6 f-block 158.93 8.23 1629 3503 0.182 1.2 1.2 primordial solid
66 Dy Dysprosium [bz] f-block groups 6 f-block 162.50 8.540 1680 2840 0.17 1.22 5.2 primordial solid
67 Ho Holmium [ca] f-block groups 6 f-block 164.93 8.79 1734 2993 0.165 1.23 1.3 primordial solid
68 Er Erbium [cb] f-block groups 6 f-block 167.26 9.066 1802 3141 0.168 1.24 3.5 primordial solid
69 Tm Thulium [cc] f-block groups 6 f-block 168.93 9.32 1818 2223 0.16 1.25 0.52 primordial solid
70 Yb Ytterbium [cd] f-block groups 6 f-block 173.05 6.90 1097 1469 0.155 1.1 3.2 primordial solid
71 Lu Lutetium [ce] 3 6 d-block 174.97 9.841 1925 3675 0.154 1.27 0.8 primordial solid
72 Hf Hafnium [cf] 4 6 d-block 178.49 13.31 2506 4876 0.144 1.3 3 primordial solid
73 Ta Tantalum [cg] 5 6 d-block 180.95 16.69 3290 5731 0.14 1.5 2 primordial solid
74 W Tungsten [ch] 6 6 d-block 183.84 19.25 3695 6203 0.132 2.36 1.3 primordial solid
75 Re Rhenium [ci] 7 6 d-block 186.21 21.02 3459 5869 0.137 1.9 7×10−4 primordial solid
76 Os Osmium [cj] 8 6 d-block 190.23 22.59 3306 5285 0.13 2.2 0.002 primordial solid
77 Ir Iridium [ck] 9 6 d-block 192.22 22.56 2719 4701 0.131 2.20 0.001 primordial solid
78 Pt Platinum [cl] 10 6 d-block 195.08 21.45 2041.4 4098 0.133 2.28 0.005 primordial solid
79 Au Gold [cm] 11 6 d-block 196.97 19.3 1337.33 3129 0.129 2.54 0.004 primordial solid
80 Hg Mercury [cn] 12 6 d-block 200.59 13.534 234.43 629.88 0.14 2.00 0.085 primordial liquid
81 Tl Thallium [co] 13 6 p-block 204.38 11.85 577 1746 0.129 1.62 0.85 primordial solid
82 Pb Lead [cp] 14 6 p-block 207.2 11.34 600.61 2022 0.129 1.87 (2+)
2.33 (4+)
14 primordial solid
83 Bi Bismuth [cq] 15 6 p-block 208.98 9.78 544.7 1837 0.122 2.02 0.009 primordial solid
84 Po Polonium [cr] 16 6 p-block [209][a] 9.196 527 1235 2.0 2×10−10 from decay solid
85 At Astatine [cs] 17 6 p-block [210] (8.91–8.95) 575 610 2.2 3×10−20 from decay unknown phase
86 Rn Radon [ct] 18 6 p-block [222] 0.00973 202 211.3 0.094 2.2 4×10−13 from decay gas
87 Fr Francium [cu] 1 7 s-block [223] (2.48) 281 890 >0.79[4] ~ 1×10−18 from decay unknown phase
88 Ra Radium [cv] 2 7 s-block [226] 5.5 973 2010 0.094 0.9 9×10−7 from decay solid
89 Ac Actinium [cw] f-block groups 7 f-block [227] 10 1323 3471 0.12 1.1 5.5×10−10 from decay solid
90 Th Thorium [cx] f-block groups 7 f-block 232.04 11.7 2115 5061 0.113 1.3 9.6 primordial solid
91 Pa Protactinium [cy] f-block groups 7 f-block 231.04 15.37 1841 4300 1.5 1.4×10−6 from decay solid
92 U Uranium [cz] f-block groups 7 f-block 238.03 19.1 1405.3 4404 0.116 1.38 2.7 primordial solid
93 Np Neptunium [da] f-block groups 7 f-block [237] 20.45 917 4273 1.36  3×10−12 from decay solid
94 Pu Plutonium [db] f-block groups 7 f-block [244] 19.85 912.5 3501 1.28  3×10−11 from decay solid
95 Am Americium [dc] f-block groups 7 f-block [243] 12 1449 2880 1.13 synthetic solid
96 Cm Curium [dd] f-block groups 7 f-block [247] 13.51 1613 3383 1.28 synthetic solid
97 Bk Berkelium [de] f-block groups 7 f-block [247] 14.78 1259 2900 1.3 synthetic solid
98 Cf Californium [df] f-block groups 7 f-block [251] 15.1 1173 (1743)[b] 1.3 synthetic solid
99 Es Einsteinium [dg] f-block groups 7 f-block [252] 8.84 1133 (1269) 1.3 synthetic solid
100 Fm Fermium [dh] f-block groups 7 f-block [257] (9.7)[b] (1125)[5]
1.3 synthetic unknown phase
101 Md Mendelevium [di] f-block groups 7 f-block [258] (10.3) (1100) 1.3 synthetic unknown phase
102 No Nobelium [dj] f-block groups 7 f-block [259] (9.9) (1100) 1.3 synthetic unknown phase
103 Lr Lawrencium [dk] 3 7 d-block [266] (14.4) (1900) 1.3 synthetic unknown phase
104 Rf Rutherfordium [dl] 4 7 d-block [267] (17) (2400) (5800) synthetic unknown phase
105 Db Dubnium [dm] 5 7 d-block [268] (21.6) synthetic unknown phase
106 Sg Seaborgium [dn] 6 7 d-block [267] (23–24) synthetic unknown phase
107 Bh Bohrium [do] 7 7 d-block [270] (26–27) synthetic unknown phase
108 Hs Hassium [dp] 8 7 d-block [271] (27–29) synthetic unknown phase
109 Mt Meitnerium [dq] 9 7 d-block [278] (27–28) synthetic unknown phase
110 Ds Darmstadtium [dr] 10 7 d-block [281] (26–27) synthetic unknown phase
111 Rg Roentgenium [ds] 11 7 d-block [282] (22–24) synthetic unknown phase
112 Cn Copernicium [dt] 12 7 d-block [285] (14.0) (283±11) (340±10)[b] synthetic unknown phase
113 Nh Nihonium [du] 13 7 p-block [286] (16) (700) (1400) synthetic unknown phase
114 Fl Flerovium [dv] 14 7 p-block [289] (11.4±0.3) (284±50)[b] synthetic unknown phase
115 Mc Moscovium [dw] 15 7 p-block [290] (13.5) (700) (1400) synthetic unknown phase
116 Lv Livermorium [dx] 16 7 p-block [293] (12.9) (700) (1100) synthetic unknown phase
117 Ts Tennessine [dy] 17 7 p-block [294] (7.1–7.3) (700) (883) synthetic unknown phase
118 Og Oganesson [dz] 18 7 p-block [294] (7) (325±15) (450±10) synthetic unknown phase
  1. 1 2
  2. 1 2 3 4 5
  3. Greek roots hydro- + -gen, 'water-forming'
  4. Greek hḗlios 'sun'
  5. Greek líthos 'stone'
  6. Beryl, mineral (ultimately after Belur, Karnataka, India?)'"`UNIQ--ref-00000023-QINU`"'
  7. Borax, mineral (from Arabic: bawraq, Middle Persian: *bōrag)
  8. Latin carbo 'coal'
  9. Greek nítron + -gen, 'niter-forming'
  10. Greek oxy- + -gen, 'acid-forming'
  11. Latin fluo 'to flow'
  12. Greek néon 'new'
  13. Coined by Humphry Davy who first isolated it, from English soda (specifically caustic soda), via Italian from Arabic ṣudāʕ 'headache'
  14. Magnesia region, eastern Thessaly, Greece
  15. Alumina, from Latin alumen (gen. aluminis) 'bitter salt, alum'
  16. Latin silex 'flint' (originally silicium)
  17. Greek phōsphóros 'light-bearing'
  18. Latin
  19. Greek chlōrós 'greenish yellow'
  20. Greek argós 'idle' (it is inert)
  21. Neo-Latin potassa 'potash', from pot + ash
  22. Latin calx 'lime'
  23. Latin Scandia 'Scandinavia'
  24. Titans, children of Gaia and Ouranos
  25. Vanadis, a name for Norse goddess Freyja
  26. Greek chróma 'color'
  27. Corrupted from magnesia negra; see magnesium
  28. English, from Proto-Celtic *īsarnom 'iron', from a root meaning 'blood'
  29. German Kobold, 'goblin'
  30. Nickel, a mischievous sprite in German miner mythology
  31. English, from Latin cuprum, after Cyprus
  32. Most likely German Zinke, 'prong, tooth', but some suggest Persian sang 'stone'
  33. Latin Gallia 'France'
  34. Latin Germania 'Germany'
  35. Middle English, from Middle French arsenic, from Greek arsenikón 'yellow arsenic' (influenced by arsenikós 'masculine, virile'), from a West Asian wanderword ultimately from Old Persian: *zarniya-ka, lit.'golden'
  36. Greek selḗnē 'moon'
  37. Greek brômos 'stench'
  38. Greek kryptós 'hidden'
  39. Latin rubidus 'deep red'
  40. Strontian, a village in Scotland, where it was found
  41. Ytterby, Sweden, where it was found; see terbium, erbium, ytterbium
  42. Zircon, mineral, from Persian zargun 'gold-hued'
  43. Niobe, daughter of king Tantalus in Greek myth; see tantalum
  44. Greek molýbdaina 'piece of lead', from mólybdos 'lead', due to confusion with lead ore galena (PbS)
  45. Greek tekhnētós 'artificial'
  46. Neo-Latin Ruthenia 'Russia'
  47. Greek rhodóeis 'rose-colored', from rhódon 'rose'
  48. Pallas, asteroid, then considered a planet
  49. English, from Proto-Germanic
  50. Neo-Latin cadmia 'calamine', from King Cadmus, mythic founder of Thebes
  51. Latin indicum 'indigo', the blue color named after India and observed in its spectral lines
  52. English, from Proto-Germanic
  53. Latin antimonium, of unclear origin: folk etymologies suggest Greek antí 'against' + mónos 'alone', or Old French anti-moine 'monk's bane', but could be from or related to Arabic ʾiṯmid 'antimony'
  54. Latin tellus 'ground, earth'
  55. French iode, from Greek ioeidḗs 'violet'
  56. Greek xénon, neuter of xénos 'strange, foreign'
  57. Latin caesius 'sky-blue'
  58. Greek barýs 'heavy'
  59. Greek lanthánein 'to lie hidden'
  60. Ceres (dwarf planet), then considered a planet
  61. Greek prásios dídymos 'green twin'
  62. Greek néos dídymos 'new twin'
  63. Prometheus, a Titan
  64. Samarskite, a mineral named after V. Samarsky-Bykhovets, Russian mine official
  65. Europe
  66. Gadolinite, a mineral named after Johan Gadolin, Finnish chemist, physicist and mineralogist
  67. Ytterby, Sweden, where it was found; see yttrium, erbium, ytterbium
  68. Greek dysprósitos 'hard to get'
  69. Neo-Latin Holmia 'Stockholm'
  70. Ytterby, where it was found; see yttrium, terbium, ytterbium
  71. Thule, the ancient name for an unclear northern location
  72. Ytterby, where it was found; see yttrium, terbium, erbium
  73. Latin Lutetia 'Paris'
  74. Neo-Latin Hafnia 'Copenhagen' (from Danish havn, harbor)
  75. King Tantalus, father of Niobe in Greek myth; see niobium
  76. Swedish tung sten 'heavy stone'
  77. Latin Rhenus 'Rhine'
  78. Greek osmḗ 'smell'
  79. Iris, Greek goddess of rainbow
  80. Spanish platina 'little silver', from plata 'silver'
  81. English, from same Proto-Indo-European root as 'yellow'
  82. Mercury, Roman god of commerce, communication, and luck, known for his speed and mobility
  83. Greek thallós 'green shoot / twig'
  84. English, from Proto-Celtic *ɸloudom, from a root meaning 'flow'
  85. German Wismut, via Latin and Arabic from Greek psimúthion 'white lead'
  86. Latin Polonia 'Poland', home country of discoverer Marie Curie
  87. Greek ástatos 'unstable'; it has no stable isotopes
  88. Radium emanation, originally the name of 222Rn
  89. France, home country of discoverer Marguerite Perey
  90. Coined in French by discoverer Marie Curie, from Latin radius 'ray'
  91. Greek aktís 'ray'
  92. Thor, the Norse god of thunder
  93. English prefix proto- (from Greek prôtos 'first, before') + actinium; protactinium decays into actinium.
  94. Uranus, the seventh planet
  95. Neptune, the eighth planet
  96. Pluto, dwarf planet, then considered a planet
  97. Americas, where the element was first synthesized, by analogy with its homolog europium
  98. Pierre and Marie Curie, physicists and chemists
  99. Berkeley, California, where it was first synthesized
  100. California, where it was first synthesized in LBNL
  101. Albert Einstein, German physicist
  102. Enrico Fermi, Italian physicist
  103. Dmitri Mendeleev, Russian chemist who proposed the periodic table
  104. Alfred Nobel, Swedish chemist and engineer
  105. Ernest Lawrence, American physicist
  106. Ernest Rutherford, chemist and physicist from New Zealand
  107. Dubna, Russia, where it was discovered in JINR
  108. Glenn Seaborg, American chemist
  109. Niels Bohr, Danish physicist
  110. Neo-Latin Hassia 'Hesse', a state in Germany
  111. Lise Meitner, Austrian physicist
  112. Darmstadt, Germany, where it was first synthesized in the GSI labs
  113. Wilhelm Röntgen, German physicist
  114. Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer
  115. Japanese Nihon 'Japan', where it was first synthesized in Riken
  116. Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, part of JINR, where it was synthesized; itself named after Georgy Flyorov, Russian physicist
  117. Moscow, Russia, where it was first synthesized in JINR
  118. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, California
  119. Tennessee, US, home to ORNL
  120. Yuri Oganessian, Russian physicist

See also


  1. IUPAC, Compendium of Chemical Terminology, 2nd ed. (the "Gold Book") (1997). Online corrected version: (2006) "chemical element". doi:10.1351/goldbook.C01022
  2. "Periodic Table – Royal Society of Chemistry".
  3. "Online Etymology Dictionary".
  4. Originally assessed as 0.7 by Pauling but never revised after other elements' electronegativities were updated for precision. Predicted to be higher than that of caesium.
  5. Konings, Rudy J. M.; Beneš, Ondrej. "The Thermodynamic Properties of the 𝑓-Elements and Their Compounds. I. The Lanthanide and Actinide Metals". Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data. doi:10.1063/1.3474238.
  6. "Fermium". RSC.
  • Atoms made thinkable, an interactive visualisation of the elements allowing physical and chemical properties of the elements to be compared
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